References ?
Which photographer’s work I like & why
Question submitted on my page
It’s a question I have been thinking about, because lately I’m not looking at other photographers work a lot. I started last week answering this question and came up with some old and dusty references. Masters photographers, extremely good, entire body of work that put humanity on its knees… but I felt like I wanted to share more modern visions.
Here we go for the first one: Dmitry Markov
This work is about daily life in Russia. It’s simple, efficient, strong & full of humanity.
Here is another one
For me the work of Devin Allen echoes to the one of Gordon Parks. He is - with his phone, the voice of the voiceless to quote the band I love Rage Against the Machine.
Next: Boogie
I just bought his book. Confident images, straight on text. Excellent work, no bullshit. Boogie rocks.
Finishing it with Rimaldas Viksraitis
Extremely provocative. I love it and I just feel like the world needs more of that. Somehow.
Thank you for reading, I hope you liked these references of work
To see more about mine feel free to wonder around on my website, or on instagram