Make photographs!
Advises and motivation speech for photographers stuck at home during lockdown
As many of my colleagues I find myself stuck at home due to the world pandemic of Corona Virus.
What is left for us to photograph ? Our assignment mostly disappeared as our exhibitions, talks, and other events all being cancelled.
I suddenly came back to this sentence that I remember from my literature teacher 10 years ago
She asked us during an exam to answer this question : “What’s a limit ?”
One of my friends answered back: a space of freedom.
That was it. I got that advise stuck in my brain since I’m a photographer, and I’m always looking for the hardest situations to photograph or most complicated in terms of sociability, autorisations, emotions, light, tight space, or sometimes life threats. In a certain way I have to assume that I must like this “limited space of freedom”. I always see these different version of limitations as challenges.
So: to understand your “space of freedom” you have to define your own limits.
for this week my limit are as follows:
Limited to my house in Belgium and permisses + town
Can’t meet people due to the Corona Virus and I have weak immune system
Possibility to get sick. I have to be extra careful within these limits.
So these are only 3 lines , but they cut A LOT of possibilities. But there is many other left :)
Here are my photography advices to evolve with these new limits
Get your nose and eye out! (Be careful) If you can go out and make photographs; Whatever you like to look at photograph it. If you don’t have the chance to go out (as many people) try to shoot what you can from your window or balcony or just inside your home. Make a decent shot, wait for a good light, use object to photograph trough, be creative!
Shoot your comfort zone it will make history. We are going trough an unprecedented crisis. Document how you are living these 2020 quarantine days. What a weird way to struggle from your home with internet access and “home deliveries”. Photograph your family, the things and people you love, and take your time to enjoy the moment. During normal time I would say the famous sentence ‘get out your comfort zone’ but we are living ab-normal times.
Take care of the light Living in Belgium, the light can be pretty indecent. I love to see it when it shines, on a wall, a table a plant or whatever. Aim at the light
Look at photography books Internet is full of incredible photographs, trillions of them. But none will impact your brain. It might impact your eyes, but will it stick to your mind for ages ? Maybe one, two, ten. Read and touch a photography book. It will be dozen of images that will shape your vision, motivates you and bring you new ideas in plus to be stuck in your head for years. photography books are telling so much more about a photographer’s work than anything else (portfolio online, press publication, exhibition) this is the beating heart of a photographic work. Read and buy photography books please.
Make photographs It seems stupid but I’m sure you heard this voice in your head that says “naah I’ll make it later” this is your worst enemy after this fuck’in Virus. Make your photograph now otherwise it will never happen again the same way in front of you.
Don’t compare I often hear young photographer, or beginners saying that their friends are better or less good than them, especially nowadays with everything posted on Social Network it’s almost impossible to not compare. Well… DO NOT COMPARE. Everybody eyes and visions are different, every picture is different. Whatever you say.
DARE for all I can say is dare to ask the person that you want to photograph him or her, dare to tell why you want to, dare to look at what you like or dislike, dare to stand and dare to photograph. Basically: don’t be too shy.
Be honest just focus on what moves your guts, and makes your heart beat. You’ll be good at taking picture of it on the long run.
This is my town
“It’s not always easy to see and understand that what you like is sometimes next to you”
When I photograph I sometimes have to struggle my own laziness and all other excuses to not go out & shoot even if it is my passion. Even the Covid could be an excuse. But I refuse to let myself beaten down with it. Yesterday it was gray, rainy, cold - I take weird medicine that reduce my immune system, and reduce my eyesight in plus of other funny side effects. I was in a bad mood. Therefore I turned and used that energy to drag myself towards fresh air, outside, while I still can (no new restrictions so far I can still walk the street).
Nobody around
Until I saw a farmer walking back his horses
to the barn
I had to keep distance which I’m not used to when I photograph. But the moment was nice. Seeing that farmer just loving his horses switched my mood to a happier version of myself.
Everything is a bit weird walking around with the new norm of “social distancing” the eyes and attitude of the people goes back and forth from kindness to fear.
I often dream about the lights and colours from other countries, and like in meditation my motivation is dragged away of my main source of passion that keeps me breathing: photography.
I can’t travel now, but I can still do what I love: make photographs.
There is lambs in my backyard
I hope you enjoyed these photographic advises and passion sharing toward photography
Remember to stay safe and cool;
Keep the love warm and your chin up
Next time if you want I can talk about photography books to look at or post about photographic references movies or music ? -> You tell me!
You can also visit the store if you wish to acquire a book or a print
Watch my reportages and personal works
Sébastien Van Malleghem