Iceland a waking dream
A waking dream
As I’m preparing to travel in Scandinavia (if still possible) I was going trough my rushes and suddenly decided to give a fresh look to my photographs from Iceland. In the middle of the thousand photographs I picked up some sleepy colourful ones that were on my hard disks and decided to share them with you, out of the social networks. Do feel free to share the post if you like it ;)
The Grotta Lighthouse on the outskirts of Reykjavik
I go often there when I’m back in Reykjavik. I try to avoid the night ( Cause of the herds of tourist packing up on the shore to see the Northern-lights…) otherwise it is a nice, quiet and extremely windy place where local teenagers come to chill in their cars.
Icelandic families enjoying the snow and sledding with their kids
As a child I remember the snow falling in winter over Belgium. Since many year, it doesn’t snow anymore, maybe two to four days in the center of the country. I’m always happy and motivate to see the snow when I’m in Iceland or wherever in Scandinavia.
I spend a lot of time on the road and it feels like driving trough a painting.
Long and silencious walks into these paintings.
Driving trough the fog at night I saw those white horses silhouette. The adrenaline kicked in and the moment was intense as the fog was mysterious and these animals so peaceful and mystical. I could have stayed hours. I made many photographs.
That scene could have taken from a movie, but again it was simply real.
The emptiness and the strength that reigns in this country is something that fills my mind entirely. An extremely powerful nature. I try to photograph that feeling of cold, calm and power.
For a Belgian visiting very often Iceland it is more than an experience. It literally changed my life trough the years. Understanding a new culture, and discover a new country as deep as mine which is mostly flat and where mountains do not exist. From the Belgians fields to the Icelandic rift. This is organic.
If one day you have the chance to visit and travel to Iceland do behave in that beautiful place with respect. Keep your trash with you, respect the rules and leave no trace.
Thank you for reading and looking at these photographs.
If you want to see my personal works you can see them here and my reportages here
If you wish yo acquire a photograph feel free to contact me or visit the shop
See you around and be safe