Happy New year
Happy New Year
I mean it can only go better right?
First of all: I wish to thanks all my family and friends for their constant support and kindness during 2020. I also want to give a huge thank you to my sponsors and partners Nikon Belgium, HugyFot, and Renegades for being so supportive of my work and my career - this by every time of the year, every month and every week. I’m a lucky photographer that got beautiful gear between his hands, but who is also surrounded by a great team of people, friends and family. You provided support in the hardest moment, and the hardest time and I’m grateful for it but as well for the joy you gave and the motivation you shared.
That was the best fuel to go trough this year.
Thanks so much also to all of you for looking at the books and the photographs I make, come at the exhibitions, commenting and following the works even if we can’t meet you guys keep on sending nice vibes THX
Last but not least, a big hug to all my Norwegian friends reading this up in Vesteralen and around. Takk for at du ønsker meg velkommen igjen.
Here is some photographs and memories made this year I wanted to share
Left: Micky a friend of mine poses for a portrait in the center of Brussels, October 2020. Nikon Z7 Noct lens
Right: Valley of the Ourthe at night Saint-Thibaut Chapel, while camping with a friend, August 2020. Published in Wilfried Magazine, photographed with the Nikon Z7 and the Noct lens
Sheep herd in the Valley of the Ourthe, Belgium, August 2020
Nikon Z7, Noct lens
During the Covid waves and in between I started a new photographic essay called “Stay Home They Say” I don’t know when it will end but making these images around my home gave me a breathing time and small escape for the mind and left me out to think and look at nature while going trough an auto immune sickness declared last January. I wanted to go documenting the situation but it wasn’t possible at the time due to my health. It is now under control and since mid September I can keep running around again.
I felt excited lucky and motivated when I was sent on assignment by newspaper from around the world.
Top Left: Seydou Dia for The New York Times
Top middle: Hassan and his family for Le Monde
Top Right: Naomi Seibt for The Washington Post
Down Left: The writer and journalist Gaea Schoeters portrayed for her new crime book
Down Middle: Lara Gasparotto for De Standaard
Down right: A couple on the beach at night while being on assignment for De Volkskrant
I started a new reportage since end of August in Belgium about the Nature and Forest department and the daily job of forest guards in the country. There is still a lot to see and it matters a lot.
I kept on going when my original plans for 2020 were canceled and found out a lot of energy trough setting up new goals and doing sport. I worked as much as possible to be able to reach them and finally I did.
I went in north Norway to continue my essay “Allfather” and dive in the arctic at the darkest time of the year. I learned how to measure power of the wind, dive, and felt in love with the Zodiac and the whales.
As I was ready to dive. Me and the expedition team, 4 on a boat, Norway, the Arctic 71° North; mid December 2020.
Vesteralen, Norway Handklapvein 24, Quarantine days. December 2020
Keep on doing what makes you feel alive
Have a f**** wonderful 2021